Three Big Lies About the Vietnam War - (Audio CD)

Michael Medved
(5 reviews)
0.25 LBS
4.78 (in)
4.78 (in)
1.00 (in)
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The Vietnam War ~ America's longest, most polarizing conflict ~ continues to divide Americans and to cast its shadow on contemporary policy debates. In the Presidential race between Bush and Kerry questions about the candidates' records during the Vietnam era (the President's National Guard service, Kerry's strident protests as leader of Vietnam Veterans Against the War) often overshadow discussion of more timely issues. These impassioned arguments about the Indochina conflict often confuse young people with no personal recollection or knowledge of Vietnam. This closely argued presentation makes clear the essential elements separating those who fought proudly (and bravely) in Southeast Asia from those who self-righteously opposed the war here at home. Michael Medved designates the "three big lies" that continue to poison our understanding and analysis of the war, arguing against common contentions:
1. That the Vietnam War represented an unconstitutional conflict based upon American imperialism and a desire for world dominance
2. That the military lost the war on the battlefield, and in the process committed horrendous atrocities
3. That anti-war protestors became the true heroes of that turbulent era, and their efforts ultimately brought peace to both the US and Indochina Each of these three claims is a lie and a slander on America and her military.
Each of these three claims is a lie and a slander on America and her military. In this presentation, Michael Medved exposes the truth that's often hidden and shows why and how distortions and outright falsehoods still wield their malevolent influence on too many of our fellow citizens.
Total Run Time: 1hr, 52min
Available on two CDs or audio download
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  • 5
    A Better Perspective on the Vietnam War

    Posted by Jeff Phillips on 5th Oct 2017

    Michael Medved has taken a dark chapter of US history and put a new perspective, at least for this Vietnam vet, on the Vietnam war. I never thought we lost that war-but that we had stopped the spread of communism. Even though we eventually lost the south to Hanoi and the communists I don’t know of any other countries after the war ended enveloped by the shroud of the communist power. Nice job Mr. Medved! I loved the history lesson.

  • 5
    RVN 68-69 Infantry MACV

    Posted by Unknown on 15th Apr 2015

    I was asked to come speak to a history class at my local university where i matriculated and was in ROTC. Before going I downloaded this lesson, took notes, and used it to enhance my remarks about foreign policy results of Vietnam, and other topics. I did lay out the truth for the students, and at the end, the professor was taking notes as well. Using Michael's facts, which I discussed, most of the students asked lots of questions (40 students) because they had no frame of reference for my facts. It was the first time I had discussed my service in Vietnam since returning in a formal setting, and I have been asked back again. Thanks Michael!!

  • 5
    Vietnam 66' - 67'

    Posted by Ken Foat on 22nd Dec 2014

    I listened to this first on the Medved Show and I learned more than I knew having been there. I recently purchased three copies for people I know (that were interested) that were not born until the 1970's, So few today know the truth, so few are interested. This program tells the truth that I consider to be a gigantic bungle where 58,000 young people of my generation did not live to be old like me. Their was a Vietnamese girl that worked on our compound, "Coke Bottles" because of her thick glasses. She was pro-American, did they put her in one of the camps or just kill her. The people leading this county today appear to have learned nothing from the truth about the Vietnam War.

  • 5
    Vietnam lies

    Posted by Ken Foat on 22nd Nov 2014

    Medved does a great job exposing the lies about Vietnam. I first heard this on the radio show but wanted the CD. Most people today have no idea. I'm thinking of purchasing additional copies as a gift for friends and relatives.

  • 5
    History the way it happened

    Posted by Richard on 7th Nov 2013

    Michael tells what really happened and why during the Viet Nam war. There is so much misinformation about this subject, it is good to hear the truth about it. American soldiers were and are heroes and deserve our gratitude. Our Nation should be proud of those who served there. Highly recommended and very enlightening.