Myths, Mistakes and Lies About World War II - (Audio CD)

Michael Medved
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CAN YOU SEPARATE THE LIES FROM THE TRUTH ON WORLD WAR II? The Second World War was the deadliest, most significant conflict in human history and yet many of the most common assumptions about that struggle are horribly wrong. For instance, even well-informed citizens believe ~ * World War II was just an extension of World War I * The Versailles Treaty that ended World War I made the next war inevitable * Nazis hated gays just as they hated Jews, and killed them with similar ruthlessness * French troops showed appalling cowardice during World War II, and quickly surrendered * Stalin's Russia fought heroically and brilliantly to triumph in "The Great Patriotic War" * The U.S. ultimately prevailed due to superior generalship and political leadership * FDR understood the dangers of isolationism and courageously dragged a reluctant America to war * We entered the war, ultimately, on humanitarian grounds: to rescue persecuted Jews * Dropping A-Bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki was unnecessary and genocidal since Japan was already set to surrender None of these things is true ~ and some of them are deliberate, dangerous distortions. In this hard-hitting, controversial, informative and entertaining presentation, Michael Medved clears away the falsehoods and fabrications to lay bare some of the little known realities about our nation's biggest war. With lessons from the struggle constantly cited in contemporary debates, invoked to advance agendas on contemporary foreign policy and military disputes, it is essential to know the unvarnished facts, and to confront ~ WORLD WAR II: MYTHS, MISTAKES AND LIES
Total Run Time: 1hr, 49min
Available on two CDs or audio download
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  • 5

    Posted by Unknown on 17th Feb 2018

    Listened to this on a vacation - very interesting history covering some of the lies that are taught about WWII. I plan on listening to it again. Would highly recommend.

  • 5
    I thought I knew it all.

    Posted by Dewayne GOLD on 15th Feb 2018

    I learned so much about how France and England made so many errors when appeasing Hitler before WWII began. Also the chaos in Japan when surrender was imminent.

  • 4
    My Opinion-for what it's worth!

    Posted by Unknown on 20th Jan 2015

    This was an excellent program. I have two suggestions and one comment. 1. A more defined "conclusion". I was thinking there would be a statement that indicated the end of the program. What I heard were excerpts from other lectures (which are very interesting). I thought I was missing a segment of the WW II lecture. 2. I would like to hear a "summary" of the program. I am reviewing and constructing a summary of the main points for myself, I'll listen to the lecture again, (and again, it is so full of information). 3. The music was (is) wonderful, such a great addition to the program. Thank you

  • 5
    The True Backstory

    Posted by Unknown on 13th Oct 2014

    Very enlightening giving me a whole new perspective on our nation's involvement and it's impact on this landmark event in world history!!

  • 5
    Listen and learn

    Posted by DavidGrubbs on 18th Feb 2014

    I like your history programs, you always give an in-depth reason for why things happened. Listening to your programs is always a learning experience.

  • 5
    WW II -- Fiction @ Fact

    Posted by Lach Bleackley on 18th Jun 2013

    I have read many books and histories of WW II so much of your presentation was not entirely new to me. My father was ferrying B24's around much of the world for the RCAF and the RAF, while I followed the daily newspapers and used my sticky fingers on my globe to try and keep up with things. Your CDs will be handy to lend to friends who are younger or didn,t pay much attention to things at the time.