How long is each CD?
Length varies but most of our CD's are approximately 90-120 minutes of content.

What kind of packaging do the CDs come in?
Each disc is individually labeled and is encased in a flexible plastic CD case.

What can I expect after I place my order? 
Once you complete your purchase you will receive a receipt by email. If you ordered a program(s) on audio CD you can expect to receive your package in 5-8 business days via US Mail. If you are shipping to a PO Box expect to receive your package in 2-3 weeks. If you ordered an audio download, you'll get a second email containing your download link.

How does the download process work?
Several minutes after you place your order, you'll receive an email that contains your download link. Click on the link and the download will begin. The file downloaded will be a .zip file. Once it is entirely downloaded, simply click on the .zip file and follow the instructions on your computer.

How do I add my downloaded audio program to my iPod?
It's easy! Open iTunes and choose File > "Add to Library," locate a file or folder, and then click Choose or Open. Then simply sync your iPod to your iTunes library and your Medved Program will be available.

Can I order by phone?
Sorry but we are currently not taking any phone orders.

Can I return my order?
Since audio recordings are so easily copied these days, the Medved History Program Store does not offer returns. All sales are final.

What if I have a problem with my CD?
In the unlikely event that a CD is damaged in transit, please go to the Contact Us page and tell us about the problem and we'll replace the damaged product at no cost to you.

How do I unzip files if I have purchased using my phone or tablet?
If you purchase from a phone or tablet device you will need to download an application that allows you to unzip the audio file. Once unzipped, you can play the MP3 with your choice of media player that plays MP3s. There are many free apps available that allow you to unzip files.
Here are ones we recommend:
iPhone/iPad: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/zip-file-viewer/id352308329?mt=8
Android: https://market.android.com/details?id=com.agilesoftresource&hl=en


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