The First Thanksgiving ~ Pilgrims, Puritans and the Founding of America - (MP3 Download)

Michael Medved
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One of the top bestselling history shows Michael Medved has ever recorded!
Who were the people of the Plymouth Colony and why did they hold a feast of celebration in 1621 which we now call the first Thanksgiving? How did they manage that first winter in the wilderness? Why are these few settlers in New England held in such high esteem today when they considered their accomplishments all to be failures?  And, what about those Puritans? Do they deserve the grim image history has given them?
Learn the answers to these questions and more in this special Thanksgiving Day holiday history program.
Total Run Time: 2hr, 46min
Available on two CDs or audio download
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  • 5
    We LOVE this recording!

    Posted by Kit on 22nd Dec 2015

    This is an outstanding recording, the kids love it too. Michael Medved has such a charismatic way of making history come alive, in an enjoyable format that adults and children alike can appreciate.

  • 5
    The Real Story!

    Posted by Brian and Cindi Vance on 28th Nov 2015

    Loved hearing all the details about the Pilgrims and especially their pre-Mayflower days. Squanto…what a hero! How marvelous to understand better the providence of God in the Pilgrims story. Thank you Michael!

  • 5
    full meal deal

    Posted by Eric in Edmonds WA on 5th Dec 2014

    I listened to this a few times, but never with my family. The download allowed my family to have an incredibly uplifting experience, full of "I had NO idea" (s) and "wow thats neat!" Thanks for making these available.

  • 5
    Amazing story of God's Provision

    Posted by Unknown on 16th Dec 2013

    Wish this had been available when my children were homeschooled. At least the grandchildren can listen and learn. Truly, it is His-story. So many facts in one place...saves a lot of time looking up documents.

  • 5
    The truth, how very enertaining and refreshing!

    Posted by Gwenn on 29th Nov 2013

    This is my first year of homeschool. My daughter is in 5th grade. We listened to the download as we were making an art project for Thanksgiving. It was very entertaining a well as full of history. Thank you so much. It is a treasure!

  • 5
    Fantastic resource! Compelling and interesting

    Posted by J Hale on 27th Nov 2013

    We have enjoyed listening to this audio recording of the history of Thanksgiving. We loved hearing little-known facts woven in with the more familiar aspects of the story, and the engaging way that it is presented. This is something we'll return to for years to come, and we look forward to hearing more history programs in the future.

  • 5
    Quality and informative!

    Posted by James on 25th Nov 2013

    Can't wait to finish listening to the rest of it! It is very fun to listen too and it's nice that it's presented in several different sections. I love history and this gives a lot of good details, some of which I had never heard. The one thing I wish was different was that it not be one long MP3 file. If it was divided into separate files, it would be easier to find your place after stopping. Other than that, it's great!

  • 5
    Very informative

    Posted by Judy on 22nd Nov 2013

    I learned so much from this recording. Michael starts at the beginning, in Scrooby, England, and takes the tale all the way to 1690 (or thereabouts) when the Plymouth Colony was absorbed into the Mass. Bay Colony. He explains the difference between Pilgrims and Puritans. He also quotes periodically from sources (and mentions books to read for further information). "The First Thanksgiving" is really told like a great story, not a dry lecture. Even my 4-year-old was listening! (A word of caution for parents--there is a brief mention of bestiality. It was a crime and the person was executed. My little one didn't pick up on it, but I personally wouldn't want to explain that to a young child.)

  • 5
    Learned so much!

    Posted by Jennifer on 21st Nov 2013

    Our family has listened to The Story Of The Pilgrims several times. We just listened to The First Thanksgiving and enjoyed learning even more about the pilgrims, the first Thanksgiving and the fascinating differences between the Pilgrims and the Puritans. The kids had to get used to the different format (more like listening to a talk radio show than a story) but once they listened for a while, they really enjoyed it. Ages 13, 11, and 7. Thanks for an excellent history lesson!