The Secret History of the Christmas Holiday - (Audio CD)

Michael Medved
(3 reviews)
0.20 LBS
4.78 (in)
4.78 (in)
1.00 (in)
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Why was Christmas a subject of bitter, even bloody, controversy for the first 200 years of American history? Why did leaders of several colonies make determined efforts to ban any observance of Christmas? How did the War Between the States, and the development of the traditional Santa Claus, lead to the nearly universal acceptance of Christmas as our great national holiday? What do historians say about the real date of Christåä's birth? Michael Medved provides provocative and in-depth answers to these and other rarely answered questions about Christmas traditions.
Total Run Time: 1hr, 52min
Available on two CDs or audio download
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  • 5

    Posted by John on 15th Feb 2018

    How does a Jewish guy come up with the best Christmas playlist? Please make a CD of the full music tracks. Thks

  • 5
    Entertaining and Informative

    Posted by TK on 4th Jan 2015

    Michael Medved has done a great job detailing the origin of so many Christmas traditions including the real life inspiration for Santa Claus, the use of garlands, Christmas lights and Christmas trees. He also gets into the stories behind Silent Night and how we came to celebrate why we celebrate Jesus Christ's birth on December 25 rather tha at the time of year he was probably born. Great audio for individual or family listening at Christamstime that fills in a lot of the blanks about this most special holiday. Only wish Michael had detailed the sources of the great music he used to get in out of the various segments.

  • 5
    Great for Family Road Trips!

    Posted by P. Terrell, Texas on 8th Jan 2014

    The entire family loves the History Programs, and our favorite way to listen to them is on long road trips. We listen and discuss, and the miles just seem to go by more quickly. Thank you for these excellent, entertaining learning tools!