Why They Fight: The Story of the Arab/Israeli Conflict - (MP3 Download)

Michael Medved
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There is much misinformation and many outright lies spread today about

the facts of the Middle East conflict. In this broadcast Michael

Medved recounts the history of the small area of land which is modern

Israel. A remote and obscure territory of first the Roman Empire, then

the Ottoman Empire and later the British Empire, Jews, Arabs and

Christians have lived there for centuries. But bloody conflict between

these neighbors erupted after events following World War I and the

establishment of various Middle East states, including the State of

Israel. Why? Michael Medved presents facts to clarify a dark and

confusing segment of world history.


Total Run Time: 2hr, 34min

Available on two CDs or audio download

MP3 Download:
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Audio CD:
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  • 5
    Thumbs up on: Why They Fight

    Posted by Ronald Kemple on 11th Feb 2016

    Very interesting and relevant, full of information both old and new to me about the Israeli Arab conflict, and relating the Palestinian refugees to the Tories who had to flee the United States after our Revolutionary War with Britain was spot on.

  • 5
    This Clears Up Many Misconceptions about the Middle East

    Posted by John on 4th Jan 2016

    Very informative and lots of material I never knew about. Should have bought it a long time ago.

  • 5
    The History Behind Current Events

    Posted by Unknown on 10th Dec 2015

    Michael Medved is a balanced and engaging historian. I wish this presentation was an automatic requirement for all Middle Eastern study programs!

  • 5
    Very Informative!

    Posted by Jamie on 16th Feb 2015

    Hello, This had always been a subject of interest for me and I leaned a lot through this program! It really cuts through a lot of untruths that we typically hear about the conflict. I actually listened to it twice over the weekend. Thanks, -Jamie

  • 5
    Comprehensive, enlightening

    Posted by Unknown on 17th Aug 2014

    Shines a light on the true sources of today's conflict. Not what is covered in the media and not what I expected. An excellent context for understanding the Arab/Israeli conflict.

  • 4
    Understanding Gaza

    Posted by Larry Uelk on 9th Aug 2014

    I really enjoyed listening to the 2+ hours of the history of the Israel/Palestine conflict. One of the reasons I listen to Michael is his depth of knowledge of history and the interesting details he incorporates making his responses so interesting. I would suggest updating the reference to Bin Laden. It dates the program. I also enjoyed listening to the callers when they responded to the program.

  • 5
    The fact about Israel

    Posted by Steve Bliss on 20th Sep 2013

    This is the best 2:30 minutes of the history of Israel on the market. Forget everything you will hear or have heard about the conflict in Israel and just listen to Medveds clear, to the point history of the state of Israel. It is so enlightening it will change your view of the middle east. It is worth listening to several times!

  • 5
    Thank you Mr. Medved!

    Posted by Unknown on 26th Jul 2013

    Well presented, well researched, and greatly needed.

  • 5
    Informative and Timely

    Posted by Carol Cooley on 23rd Jul 2013

    This program is of the highest quality. It begins with history and quickly connects past with present day events. The material content is a fine example of the teaching of Michael Medved, exemplified in all his educational lectures. Excellent!!